Meet Monica

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Before Monica was ever a client, she was a friend.


Townhome Watery Blues

We'd been friends for several years before helping her find her perfect home. Monica had a cute little townhouse, which was her very first home.

She loved it but it had a serious issue, it flooded…a lot. It flooded three times, each time more frustrating than the last. It wasn’t a hurricane or storm causing the waterfall of water either, it was her plumbing.

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After having to replace her floors and walls three times, she'd had enough. It was time to find a better home.


The SWELL Journey Begins

Monica reached out to us and we immediately started to look for her next home. Like most people, she wanted to be close to work, have lots of room, and wanted nothing to do with water!

We looked and looked. There were a lot of homes that were okay but none were "The One." We thought we found her a great home and submitted an offer but another buyer scooped it up from under us.

After this Monica was a little sad and frustrated, she'd missed out on what she thought was the perfect home.

Good thing it wasn't her perfect home...

Rest, Relaxation, & Real Estate

Monica had already planned a long vacation to San Francisco, so she left to relax and recover in the California sun. Of course, while she was gone her perfect home popped on the market! We raced over there with a mutual friend of ours and did a live, long-distance video walkthrough.

The home was everything she wanted and in her preferred neighborhood. It was just down the street from another friend of ours too! We loved it. She loved it and didn't want to lose this home even though she was across the country. So we created an offer strategy that the sellers couldn't refuse.

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The sellers didn't refuse and Monica

got the home under contract!

Dream Home Achieved

Once Monica returned from vacation, we toured the property and she knew she'd made the right decision. We continued to guide her through the process and held her hand the whole way.

Just before Christmas, Monica moved into her perfect home...

And we couldn’t have been happier for her!

Move Confidently.

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Regional ILM Growth
