Home Valuation

Most homeowners are naturally curious about what their home is worth from time to time.

“But what is the best way to stay up-to-date on my home’s value?”

Glad you asked, let’s find out :)

Being in the Know

If you’re like most Americans, then your home is your largest investment.

Of course, you'd want to know what it’s worth and check to see how the market is doing every now and then. You might have even tried to do this already on a website like Zillow or Realtor.com.

While those websites can be super easy to access, they are simply not accurate enough for you to rely on them.

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When you want to know more about something, it’s okay to start with a website like Wikipedia.

But if accuracy is important, you need to get your information straight from the experts.


The same is true of home values. Banks don’t rely on these websites when they make loans, they hire experts. You should too.

Why It’s Important

For many Americans, their home is their biggest asset.

Home equity is where a majority of Americans hold their wealth and knowing how much your home could sell for is critical to figuring out how much equity you have.

Home Equity is pretty easy to figure out: Probable Sales Price of your home minus the amount owed. That’s it, it’s incredibly simple. The key is knowing what your home might sell for on the open market.

There's a lot you can do once you know what your home’s equity is.

You can:

  • Know how much you’d have to put down on another home if you’re thing about making a move.

  • Refinance your home to get a better interest rate or lower payment.

  • Pull out equity to renovate your home, making it even better.

  • Pull out equity to pay for repairs like a new roof or an HVAC system. 

  • Pull out equity to buy an investment property.

  • Pull out equity to use the money any way you like!

Knowing what you have in equity gives you options, even if you never use it.


How to Determine Your Home Equity

We’ve established websites are not great at figuring out home values. So how do you figure out what your home is worth? You talk to an expert

At SWELL, our real estate professionals are experts in the art of determining home prices. We study the market constantly. We help our buyers and sellers determine the probable sales price of homes all the time. We’ll use this in-depth knowledge to help you accurately calculate your home’s equity. We offer this for free and at no obligation to you. It’s just one of the things we do for our people.

To get started, click the button below.

Let SWELL clarify your financial health today.

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