Meet John

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When we met John, he was looking to buy his first home.

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Unfortunately, he had been looking for quite a while and was struggling…

Dashed Dreams

John had tried 3 separate times to buy a home and each time wasn't able to for one reason or another. John’s skepticism of real estate agents and the whole process grew until he was stuck, confused and idling.

When John saw his dream home with a for sale sign in the yard, he had to have it. But having no one he could trust to help him, he ended up losing the home to someone else. 

Hope Renewed

John contacted us and reluctantly began his home search again. He was definitely skeptical of real estate agents and was hesitant, for good reason. Fortunately for John the dream home he thought was gone forever, had re-appeared on the market!

John was not going to miss out again, and SWELL quickly crafted an offer that was too good for the sellers to refuse.

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John’s dream home was right across

the street from

Greenfield Lake

where he could run, ride, and




his extremely athletic heart

was content!

Family Matters

One challenge for John was that he was trying to include his sister in his home-buying adventure. Wanting to make sure her brother was buying a good home, naturally, she had a lot of questions.

This was even more challenging because she was in another state. We took the time to talk with John and his sister to make sure they had all of the information they needed in order to feel confident about buying the home.

In the end, they both realized this house was the best option for John and he bought his dream home.

John loves being able to lace up his running shoes and walk out his front door to run around Greenfield Lake.

He loves his little piece of paradise and we are glad we could be the ones to help him get become the proud homeowner he deserved to be.

Move Confidently.

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