Meet Jen & Stuart

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When we met Jen and Stuart, their family was expanding quickly!

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Growing Pains

Their four boys were running out of room in the house.

Jen and Stuart had some specific needs that made finding the right home for them a challenge. They needed to be in a certain area for their boys, so they wouldn’t have to change schools.

They also needed a home with at least 4 bedrooms, preferably 5 so everyone could have their own space.

And oh yeah, they wanted to find there next home before they put their current home on the market!

The SWELL Journey Begins

Not surprisingly, it took us a while to find a home that fully met Jen and Stuart's needs.

We eventually found them a great home, close to Bradley Creek in a tucked away neighborhood. Then it was time to kickstart our plan to sell their home quickly so we could make a strong offer on this newfound home. All was going according to plan until we received the call. The listing agent told us the seller had accepted an offer from another buyer...

Heartbroken, the whole family decided to take a break and go on a trip.

Real Estate and Relaxation

We decided that if the home wasn't sold when they got back, we would take it off the market to start looking again in earnest. Even though there was a lot of interest, we didn’t get any offers. So we took their home off the market…

Later that same day, I received a call from an agent that was desperate to show the home to her clients. Her clients just accepted an offer for their home and needed to find their next home fast. Our house was the only one they were interested in, so we let them come take a look.

The buyers loved it and made an offer. Jen and Stuart accepted and were excited to have their home under contract.

But now they had no idea where they were going to move to!

The Search Continues

The next several houses we looked at were underwhelming and just not quite right.

We kept striking out. After showing Jen and Stuart a home, they called us excited because they had stumbled onto a another home nearby. It wasn't on our search but had lots of potential with some renovations. We immediately requested a tour. After walking through the home and reimagining what it could be, it was clear this was the one.

So we made an offer and the seller accepted!

Best Laid Plans

We were on track to close on September 20th, 2018, but mother nature had other plans.

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Halfway across the world, a storm was heading straight for Wilmington.

Her name:

Hurricane Florence.


Florence brought wind and rain unlike many had seen in 60+ years. Southeastern NC was massively impacted by the storm, but Jen & Stuart’s home and the one they were buying were basically unharmed!

Unfortunately, Jen and Stuart's buyers’ home was slightly damaged. There were 3 couples and 3 houses that were all linked together. If one deal fell apart, they all fell apart. So the slight damage to the one home caused a huge delay that threatened to derail the whole thing for everyone.

We were all on edge, not sure what would happen next...


All three homes were finally sold!

After 4 intense weeks of leading constant communication, back and forth, between the closing attorneys, lenders, and the other agents we were able to get Jen and Stuart into their new home.

Jen and Stuart immediately began renovating their new home and it is truly amazing. They’ve changed their landscaping outside dramatically, creating grassy space for their boys to play. They were able to add 700 more square feet to the home with a few changes and increase the value of the home significantly. We were able to get them into their most desired neighborhood, have a one-of-a-kind home, and not break their budget. 

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This wasn’t an easy process for anyone but ultimately we were able get Jen and Stuart everything they wanted, definitely a win all the way around!

Move Confidently.

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