Our Client’s Needs Are Our #1 Priority

Making sure clients have the best possible experience is the first and highest priority. Our client’s needs come before everything else. We don’t make business decisions that will negatively impact our clients, they need to benefit from everything we do.

Client Understanding/Knowledge is #2

Clients need accurate information to make decisions, our job is to give them this information and along with our informed, professional recommendations.

Always Tell the Truth, to Everyone

Lying is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. All relationships are built on trust. If that trust is violated, relationships become very difficult to repair.

Transparency = Trust

We will operate as openly as possible and always honestly. Transparency throughout the organization is paramount to making sure every member feels a sense of ownership and accountability. It’s also key to showing clients we are putting their interests first, always.

Promise Good, Deliver GREAT!

Always manage client expectations, make sure they are realistic. We do not set a low bar. We set a high bar and strive to exceed it in every way possible.

We Continually Seek to Improve

In order to better serve our clients, community, and our own personal development, we seek self improvement. We collectively seek improvement in everything we do. Whether that’s how better to serve our clients, how better to conserve resources, or how better to engage with our community. We strive to always be better.

We Are Only as Good as the Good We Do

Our measure of success is the amount of money and time we put back into our community along with the number of clients and community members helped each year. Businesses are only successful because they have a community to support them. A business’ responsibility is to to support its community in turn.

We Donate 5% of Gross Revenues to Charity

The donation is a top line expense. Giving is done first, not last. Most businesses donate “profits” which can be easily manipulated with accounting. In order to be transparent and consistent in our giving, we donate based on our gross revenues. As times change and needs change, we will always donate as much as possible. Our goal is to give at least 5%, if not more.

We Pay our Employees a Living Wage

We distribute bonus earnings quarterly to our employees to help ensure they can have financial stability and to reward them for their good works. This gives them the incentive to provide amazing service, grow the company, and grow with the company.

Internally, Our Employees Come First

Our employees are the backbone of what we do and their needs come before the needs of management or even the owner. The owner works to support the managers who work to support the employees, not the other way around.